After our beloved Central Asian Shepherd puppy of 1.5 years Smokey, died suddenly in her sleep a month ago we have been searching through rescue places for another rescue who could get along with our three cats. We found one – his new name is Benji – he looks just like the beloved TV and movie dog – he is 5 years old – was cooped up in a one room apartment with 4 other dogs then dumped at a pound and was rescued by fabulous folks called DAWG SQUAD – ( who cleaned him up. He has a slightly deformed front leg and bad arthritis there – but we don’t care – he has such a happy loving soul – and none of us are perfect ( especially as we get older!) He is supposedly 5 years old but we think he is older. Which is fine. We are looking for a rescue companion for him – not so easy but the Dawg Squad are on it!
We also had another animal passing this week as our goat Julia died – she was 10 years old and we are grateful to her for the hundreds of gallons of milk she gave us during her sweet life. That is about the longevity of goats – we were so sad to say goodbye. But we did find a large animal vet – and for that we were so grateful – it is not easy to find a large animal vet in an urban setting – and they are appropriately called VETERINARY ANGELS – started and run by a wonderful young woman Darlene Geekie – when Julia got sick within one hour they were at our farm with IV equipment and all that you might need for intensive care – and, after reviving Julia who had collapsed – in consultation with them we decided to let her go peacefully as she was at the end of her life so we just made her comfortable. What a blessing these Vets are – we shall be using them all the time – as our cow Bella is pregnant so we will have them as a fabulous resource to help us with her baby’s birth in about 7 months time ( cows gestation is the same as humans, goats are 5 months).
Living on a farm is a wonderful way for children and adults alike to learn to deal with life and death – always something being born, and something passing. Our new baby ducklings are now all grown up in a short 6 weeks – they are the same size as their mom and dad and happily jumping in and out of their mini swimming pond in their pen. New quail and chicken babies are born regularly as are birds in our aviary – so always something new to see. The kids love it and we love watching them love it!
It has been a great year for tomatoes – here are some giant ones! And the pear crop has been amazing.We have finally tented all our fruit trees and so have figs, peaches, etc in great amounts finally as we beat back the critters who normally get them all!
And here are some of the crops from this year.
Happy to have a doggie in our home again – it was terribly quiet and sad without that always friendly and excitable presence.