Tag Archives: brunch

Divine Strata – dessert or a fancy brunch dish – the kids LOVE it – you will too!


Most strata are made with cheese and spinach – and are delicious. I tried this one as a dessert or brunch strata and it worked so well that I wanted to share it with you. The only downside is that … Continue reading

Posted in Blog, Desserts, Family, Fruit, Little farm products, Recipes, Recipes to Make with Children | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Banana Caramel Muffins for Cooking with Kids


We like a lot of  banana flavor in our muffins.  That took  two things: really ripe bananas and added banana flavor. This is a wonderful treat for cooking with kids. Of course they will sample a LOT. This recipe transforms banana … Continue reading

Posted in Blog, Desserts, Family, Other wonderful treats, Raising Children, Recipes, Recipes to Make with Children | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment