We grow our own Macadamia nuts. Seriously. They are unadorned, glorious in their simplicity and taste, and all natural and organic. The only challenge is cracking them! We bought an intense nutcracker thingimy from Hawaii and it works. Of course the squirrels in our back yard ( we have too darn many of them – they are true pests and gorge on our fruit and decimate the macadamia nut trees as well as our pecan and almond trees) don’t need any such thingimy – just their teeth – and they crack through two incredibly hard layers to get to the nut. For multiple years they have devoured probably 200 nuts on one single tree in one single night. My husband is NOT happy about this – and nor am I. I guess that for the squirrels this is Camp Grandma of Squirrels…..
Here is a picture of a basket of our macadamia crop from this year….